He has to feel and check everything himself. A professional will do his diagnostics, even if you came to him with a doctor's order. If the lower leg is painful, the thigh is also seized. The client should know that if he has foot pain, the foot gaymassage will also involve the lower leg. Sometimes the patient complains about the legs, and the problem is in the lower back. In short, today, gaymassage in San Diego is science. In addition to the natural sensitivity of the hands must be a basic medical education, which guarantees knowledge of anatomy and physiology, then a massage education with a lot of practical training (for 3-4 months), and then - continuous improvement (at least once every 5 years), conscious attention to the reactions of the client, reading literature, internships with masters. Professional gaymassage education is not the same as getting a diploma in a one-month course. Leaving your body in the hands of amateurs is a reckless move that can lead to unfortunate consequences for health and mental comfort. Massage is a profession that requires a serious, professional, and thoughtful approach. Massage is simple and can be done by anyone But many people are afraid of booking professional sessions because they believe some myths and think that gay male massage can be harmful. Gaymassage in San Diego is helpful for mental and physical health.